NATS SAIP AD3, proposed changes to UK traffic flows around the southern FIR boundary

Closed 30 May 2018

Opened 2 May 2018

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


NATS is proposing to systemise and improve the connectivity of airspace at the southern FIR boundary; through the realignment of existing ATS routes.  These changes are necessary to support the proposed new SIDs and STARs serving Jersey and Guernsey Airports. 




Why your views matter

We are consulting on the following proposed changes in order to gather or confirm views, and information, about the potential impact of this Airspace Change Proposal.

The proposed changes would occur above 7,000ft and within existing controlled airspace (CAS) over the English Channel, south of the Isle of Wight.  We are seeking feedback from any stakeholders who may be affected; these are most likely to be users of this airspace and aviation stakeholders.  However we welcome feedback from any interested parties.

The proposed changes would re-align routes Y110 and Z171 in order to better segregate and distribute traffic.  The changes either route traffic to a different waypoint or distribute traffic at different flight levels.

The five traffic flows affected by the proposed changes are the following:

  • Solent departures to the Channel Islands;
  • Solent departures to the south (non-Channel Islands);
  • Channel Island arrivals from the north (non-Solent airports);
  • Channel Island departures to the Solent airports;
  • Channel Island departures to the north (non-Solent airports).

A diagram showing a visual representation of changes to each of the above flows can be found in Section 3 of the consultation document.  A link has been provided below.

These changes support the Channel Island's planned new SIDs and STARs whilst minimising the level of airspace change within the UK.

Your feedback on the proposals at this early stage will help us explore the potential impacts of the proposed changes.  We invite considered responses supported by evidence where possible.

Consultation Document

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What Happens Next

During consultation we will be gathering feedback from stakeholders and any interested parties. 

Responses will be analysed and themed.  Shortly after the consultation finishes we will publish a consultation feedback document, which will summarise the themes and NATS’ response to any issues raised.  Your feedback will be sent to the CAA and will be published after moderation.

The feedback document will be available for download via the CAA portal.  Any new requirements identified will be considered in the on-going design process.  The ACP will detail the design being submitted and make reference to changes that have been made to take account of consultation feedback.