Response 783626984

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1. What is your name?

Name (Required)
Redacted text

2. What is your email address?

Email address (Required)
Redacted text

3. Please enter your poscode.

Postcode (Required)
Ln5 9aj

4. Are you responding as an individual or do you represent an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Individual
Radio button: Unticked Organisation

5. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, what is the organisation's name?

Organisation (Required)

7. What best describes your association with this airspace change proposal? (Please select one)

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Aviation Stakeholder
Radio button: Unticked Local Authority Stakeholder
Radio button: Unticked NATMAC Organisation
Radio button: Ticked None of the above

8. Do you support the proposed Airspace Change Proposal?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Unsure

9. Please rank your response to the combined airspace design (combined low and medium airspace designs) as presented in the Consultation Document. (Please select only one).

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly Support
Radio button: Unticked Support
Radio button: Unticked Neutral
Radio button: Unticked Object
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Object

10. Please rank your response to the Low Airspace Design (Stage 2, Option 1) as presented in the Consultation Document. (Please select only one).

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly Support
Radio button: Unticked Support
Radio button: Unticked Neutral
Radio button: Unticked Object
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Object

11. Please rank your response to the Medium Airspace Design (refined Stage 2, Option 8) as presented in the Consultation Document. (Please select only one).

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly Support
Radio button: Unticked Support
Radio button: Unticked Neutral
Radio button: Unticked Object
Radio button: Unticked Strongly Object

12. If you support this proposal, please provide any alterations that would further improve it for you.

Comments in support
Local infrastructure such as roads and cycle ways and footpaths would need to be improved to cope with current and future increased land based traffic

15. Are there any other general considerations that you would like the MOD to consider in relation to this Airspace Change Proposal?

See above for infrastructure. Equally, accommodation for new staff may need to be considered in the light of current building and flood plain land and green wedge.
Sewage works on the Witham may need updating rather than expanding.
Health care provision may need upgrading.

16. In accordance with the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) CAP 1616 (Airspace Design), consultation responses will be published on Citizen Space via the CAA Airspace Change Portal. Responses will be subject to moderation by the CAA. If you wish your response to be published anonymously, please indicate below and your personal details (Name, Address & Position) will be redacted and only be seen by the CAA.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Publish Response
Radio button: Unticked Publish Response Anonymously