About you
1. What is your name?
Rob O'Dare
3. Please enter your postcode (most relevant to your response home/ work/ organisation etc). UK only - if responding from outside the UK please complete the next question instead
BS48 3DY
5. Who are you representing?
Please select one item
Radio button:
I am responding as an individual
Radio button:
I am responding on behalf of an organisation
6. Please note all responses will be published. Are you happy for your name to be included in the response publication?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Yes - I want my response to be published with my name
Radio button:
No - I want my response to be published anonymously
Organisation Details
7. What is your organisation name?
Organisation Name
Bristol Airport Ltd
8. What is your position/title?
Org Position
Airfield Technical and Compliance Manager
Your Feedback
10. Please rank your reaction to the individual aspects
FRA Option 1: All ATS routes are removed. Strongly support Radio button: Checked Strongly support | FRA Option 1: All ATS routes are removed. Support Radio button: Not checked Support | FRA Option 1: All ATS routes are removed. Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral | FRA Option 1: All ATS routes are removed. Object Radio button: Not checked Object | FRA Option 1: All ATS routes are removed. Strongly object Radio button: Not checked Strongly object |
FRA Option 2: ATS route structure is partially maintained. Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | FRA Option 2: ATS route structure is partially maintained. Support Radio button: Checked Support | FRA Option 2: ATS route structure is partially maintained. Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral | FRA Option 2: ATS route structure is partially maintained. Object Radio button: Not checked Object | FRA Option 2: ATS route structure is partially maintained. Strongly object Radio button: Not checked Strongly object |
FRA Option 3: ATS route structure is maintained, but aircraft are not constrained to flight plan the routes within the FRA. Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | FRA Option 3: ATS route structure is maintained, but aircraft are not constrained to flight plan the routes within the FRA. Support Radio button: Not checked Support | FRA Option 3: ATS route structure is maintained, but aircraft are not constrained to flight plan the routes within the FRA. Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | FRA Option 3: ATS route structure is maintained, but aircraft are not constrained to flight plan the routes within the FRA. Object Radio button: Not checked Object | FRA Option 3: ATS route structure is maintained, but aircraft are not constrained to flight plan the routes within the FRA. Strongly object Radio button: Not checked Strongly object |