Response 647622565

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With regards to traffic flying over the Heliport. We have a concern about the Cardiff Docks VRP's proximity to the Heliport. The Airport already uses Lavernock
Point and Wenvoe mast as adequate VRP's . We can't see why the Cardiff Docks VRP is needed when so close to the Heliport and the procedure often finds
fixed wing traffic below 1000ft posing a risk to our traffic and a danger for student pilots in the circuit (750 ft AGL)

Despite the clearance given to aircraft "cleared via the Cardiff Docks VRP not above 1500ft" but they are dropping to below our circuit height of 750ft. We have
had occasions when the Jet Provost and Hunter that are based at St Athan have flown straight over the Heliport at low level and speed with total disregard for air

Perhaps when aircraft using the Cardiff Docks VRP are contacted they could be told Not below 1000ft and not above 1500ft.